In The Garden | Anniversary of rose as national flower

Richard Poffenbaugh
The above Mister Lincoln dark red rose has been a top seller since 1965, for the past 51 years. It displays both exceptional color and fragrance. Richard Poffenbaugh Photo.

It seems like only a few years ago — it was 1986 — when it was announced the rose was approved by Congress as the national flower. After approval by Congress, the measure was signed into law on Nov. 7, 1986, by President Ronald Reagan.

As with many issues of national implications, there was an extended debate in the US Senate. A few members wanted the marigold as the national flower. The marigold had strong support from David Burpee of Burpee Seeds. But in the end, the votes for the rose had strong support and won.

Today there is an abundance of public rose gardens nationwide. No other flower has the presence as a rose garden. A White House rose garden seems more appropriate than a White House marigold garden.

Today’s photo is a very popular red rose named Mister Lincoln. The dark red color and superb fragrance match the outstanding qualities of President Lincoln.

Question and answer

I don’t want to use treated lumber for the sides of a raised bed for vegetables. Are there any other options?

A: Yes, many garden suppliers offer raised bed kits that include sturdy plastic side boards. These should last a long time and be safe. The other choice is to go to a lumber supplier and select hardwood boards. Good examples include hard maple, white ash, locust and rot-resistant cedar and redwood.

Are buried banana peels a good source of nutrition for roses?

A: They are a good source of potassium, which benefit roses. But don’t use too many at the same time. Perhaps one or two pieces in spring. If too many are used, the soil microorganisms break down the peels and remove large amounts of nitrogen from the soil. This upsets the nutrient balance of the soil. Better yet, add the peels to compost pile, where they will become part of a rich backyard compost and can be applied in the spring for feeding your roses.

Should a newly planted tree last spring be staked soon to protect it from winter winds?

A: No, unless it happens to have been planted in a very windy site, which seldom happens. Most trees need no staking. If it has to be staked, remove the stake after the first year.

Are shed pine needles good material for mulching?

A: Yes, they make for a very effective mulch especially around evergreen plants. Pine needles are airy and stay in place even during stormy weather. Use them around azaleas and rhododendrons as well for other landscape plants. They should last for two or three years. As they eventually decompose they help acidify the soil. Don’t let them go to waste.

What does a “wild collected” plant mean?

A: It is a plant that grows naturally on a site and is dug up by humans. This is generally not permitted or recommended so the plants can continue to thrive.

However, thousands of plants die each year when a site is changed to a business site and the land is totally changed along with major plant loss.

A conscientious builder often has the land inspected for the quality of and types of wild plants. An effort might be taken for a plant survey and an attempt made to save those plants classed as “rare.” It is a shame to have land completely changed over and no attempt made to identify and save valuable wild plants.

Richard Poffenbaugh is a retired biology teacher and active home gardener since 1960. He is a member of the Mansfield Men's Garden Club and was editor of the club newsletter (The Greenhorn) for 21 years. He resides in Ontario with his wife, Barbara. Reach him at 419-529-2966.