In The Garden | Save best garlic bulbs for fall planting

Richard Poffenbaugh

The first step to begin the 2017 garlic crop begins now. Usually by late July, the 2016 garlic crop is ready to harvest. When leaves begin to yellow, the plant is done growing and can be pulled or dug up.

After plants are harvested, gently go over the bulbs with your fingers and remove attached soil chunks. It is important to not damage the wrapper around the bulb so the moisture remains inside. Trim off hair-like roots from base of bulb.

Line up plants on the ground and pick out the best dozen or more plants that appear to be the best in size, shape and overall quality. These are the bulbs to save for planting this fall.

When to plant? The traditional day is Columbus Day, Oct. 17. This date gets them off to a superior start for the 2017 crop. Old-timers used to wait until the first hard frost is over before planting. But today that day is so variable I don’t recommend it; stick with Columbus Day.

Usually garlic is ready to dig or pull by the end of July. Take extra time to sort through dug bulbs and pick the best to save for cloves for fall planting.

After garlic bulbs are harvested, they need to cure or dry in an airy, shady location for two to three weeks. After drying, you can go over the bulbs again and remove any attached soil easily with your fingers.

Usually, my bulbs are stored in a single layer in trays in a cool part of the basement. They store nicely until it is time to select those for fall planting.

Kingwood events

Free admission day is tomorrow. If you are not a member, take advantage of this free day.

The July Garden Walk will be from 9:30 to 11 a.m. Saturday. Attendees meet at the workshop. There is a $3 fee, members and volunteers participate for free. July abounds with blooming plants, including daylilies, hostas, perennials and annuals. See these plants during the walk. Bill Collins will be the guide.

17-year cicada

This gardener is glad to see the last of this batch of cicadas. It is a strange insect in many ways. The reproductive process involves the males calling for females with the loud high-pitched, siren-like whining. The droning seems to last forever.

After mating, the females fly around looking for small-sized twigs to use for egg laying. She uses her sharp ovipositor to cut up a section of the twig. She lays eggs into this damaged stem. The portion of the twig with eggs remains on the tree. The end portion of the twig drops to the ground. Sometimes it hangs down from the branch and is called a “flagging.” A hanging branch eventually drops to the ground.

This is sometimes called a natural pruning. Usually little or no damage is done to the tree. In time, the eggs hatch and end up on the soil surface to begin their journey into the soil. The immature cicadas feed on tree roots. Feeding occurs in about 12 inches below soil level. If they survive this unusual life cycle, they won’t see daylight until 2033.

My guess is the cicada population was much larger this year than in 1999. The adults were flying around in large numbers for many days and several ended in my pockets; they also seemed to be attracted to my hair and back of my neck.

Looking back, I would rate the 2016 17-year cicada as a minor inconvenience. They were at peak population the second week of June. By the week of June 26, they were in definite decline with little to no droning.

The good news is we get a 17-year pause from a repeat performance. It is an insect that doesn’t sting or bite, but more or less is just a noisy pest. Nurserymen likely suffered some tree damage on young trees, but at least they didn’t kill trees.

This insect is one of nature’s rare performers that attracts much attention and conversation. But no bites, injuries or deaths because of this red-eyed insect.

Common reactions were screams or shock when one of them landed on your clothes or was brought indoors.

Richard Poffenbaugh is a retired biology teacher and active home gardener since 1960. He is a member of the Mansfield Men's Garden Club and was editor of the club newsletter (The Greenhorn) for 21 years. He resides in Ontario with his wife, Barbara. Reach him at 419-529-2966.