Times Recorder office is moving

Pam James

The Times Recorder has deep roots in Zanesville and the Muskingum Valley, and that is not going to change.

For more than 160 years, we’ve been publishing stories about your friends and neighbors, exposing wrongdoings, shinning spotlights on local businesses and much more. We’ve also been an economic engine for our area. The Times Recorder provides incomes for employees and vendors, and we help drive other commerce within our community. From day care to lawn services, engagement rings for a couple just starting out or tuition at a local college, the Times Recorder helps dollars flow through our community.

And while our commitment to our readers, clients and community will not change, our location will.

Times Recorder will move its news and advertising/marketing operations to the Northpointe Center retail complex off Maple Avenue this fall. Technology has impacted every business, including ours. The advent of computers and the Internet has changed the way business is conducted today, and we simply do not need a 22,000-square-foot building.

We have many customers who like to come into our office and conduct business face-to-face, be it paying a bill, placing an ad or suggesting a story idea. We also know some of these customers may have to drive a little further once we move, while others will find the new location more convenient. But regardless of our location, our commitment will remain the same. We will continue to be your trusted news source and your marketing solutions expert.

We will update you when we’ve secured a move date, and we hope you’ll stop in to see our new office.

Pam James is the Community Engagement Editor for the Times Recorder. She can be reached at psjames@gannett.com or 740-450-6751.