Musing | Remember true meaning of Memorial Day

Brenda Donegan

This weekend kicks off the summer holidays with the observance of Memorial Day on Monday. I can already smell the hamburgers, hot dogs, ribs, chicken and bratwurst cooking on the grill. Perhaps you will share it with friends and family — or neighbors.

But let’s not forget the real meaning of the holiday.

Decoration Day — how the holiday was formerly called — was established three years after the Civil War ended. It was a time for the nation to decorate the graves of those who died in the war with flowers.

May 30 was chosen as it was thought many flowers across the nation would be in bloom

The first large observance was held that year at Arlington National Cemetery, across the Potomac River from Washington, D.C., with about 5,000 in attendance. Soldiers made their way through the cemetery, putting flowers on the graves of their fallen comrades.

Then, as now, small American flags were placed on each grave — a tradition followed at many national and local cemeteries today. In recent years, the custom has grown in many families to decorate the graves of all departed loved ones.

I remember growing up, the parades in Belle Center led by the American Legion and VFW color guards and our local high school band. There were also Boy and Girl Scouts and many churches had a float. Once the parade has passed our house, we jumped in the car and went to the local cemetery for a service there. We had already made a visit to place flowers on my grandparents graves and two uncles who were killed during World War II.

Back then everyone dressed up for the affair. I remember wearing a pretty white dress with a red ribbon belt, white patent shoes and socks. My brothers and parents were dressed up as well. As I got older and joined the band in seventh grade, I got to march in the parade. It took on a different perspective as we played patriotic songs and began learning the history of the holiday in school.

• Alice Piacentini and some friends are planning an art show to be held in conjunction with the annual Fourth of July celebration in Prospect. According to Alice, the goal is to incorporate some culture to the annual festival and at the same time to promote some local artists. It won’t be a sale, contest or any judging but simply a display of art work by a few artists.

Organizers are asking the art work be inspired by or based on scripture and the verses be posted with the art. The theme is “Created.” The show will be held in the former Prospect Vision Care office. Hours will be 2 to 6 p.m. on July 4.

For more information, contact Alice at 740-225-3294 or email at

• Let me leave you with this quotation by former President Bill Clinton: “There is nothing wrong with America that cannot be cured by what is right with America”

Until next week. Have a safe holiday.

Brenda Donegan may be reached or on Facebook.