Officials urge preparation during flu season

Matthew Kent

CHILLICOTHE The flu season has arrived and although local officials say they have not received any reported cases, they are urging people to take steps in order to help avoid the virus.

Ross County Health District spokesman Rami Yoakum said the typical flu season in Ross County can begin as early as October and run through March or even April.

"Most years, flu season will peak sometime between late December and mid-January. Although it is difficult, if not impossible to predict, from what I've read, the experts are predicting a peak this month," Yoakum said.

He added that the health district recently received an advisory from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention based in Atlanta that flu activity is starting to pick up.

While the agency hasn't gotten any reported cases, Yoakum stressed that it doesn't mean no one here has had the flu. Officials only get a confirmed influenza case if someone is hospitalized with the virus, he added.

He also said that physicians diagnose by symptoms rather than ordering a test to confirm a person's diagnosis in most cases. That is done because tests cost money and because if an individual has a flu, all that can be done is treat the symptoms, according to Yoakum.

"However, if someone starts having influenza-like symptoms and they go to the doctor within 48 hours, they might be prescribed an anti-viral medication," he said. "But most of the time and for most people, all we do is treat the symptoms."

The Ohio Department of Health website indicates that Ohio, West Virginia and Kentucky have reported sporadic influenza activity. The state agency, which tracks weekly influenza activity, also said the percentage of emergency department visits with patients showing constitutional symptoms are below baseline levels across Ohio, according to its website.

Yoakum said the best way to prevent the flu is to take the seasonal influenza vaccine, noting that this season, the vaccine does contain the H1N1 strain that means people should have some protection. Still, he pointed out that people can protect themselves by doing frequent and proper handwashing and keeping unwashed hands away from a person's eyes, nose and mouth.

He suggested people eat healthier, which may help fight off the flu.

"More fruits and veggies can reinforce your immunities and might help you recover faster if you do get infected," Yoakum said.

In addition, he said people should try to stay out of other people's personal space as influenza is a respiratory infection that spreads by coughing, sneezing or when someone talks and releases infected particles in the air. Those at higher risk for serious influenza infections are persons over the age of 65, children ages 2 and younger, pregnant women and people with chronic illnesses, respiratory problems such as asthma or people with a weakened immune system.

Symptoms may also include fevers, chills, cough, head and body aches, runny and stuffy noses and fatigue, according to Yoakum.

"The best way to tell whether you have influenza or a cold is by the fever," he said. "Influenza usually involves a high fever, while colds don't."

He also said that the Ross County Health District still has the seasonal vaccine available for anyone who would like it.