Vietnam veterans still appreciate being thanked

Jeff Barron

LANCASTER – Vietnam veteran Albert Moller has been out of the U.S. Air Force since 1980, but he said he still appreciates when people thank him for his service when he wears his veteran's baseball hat.

"Out here in Ohio, we've been here 10 years," the New Jersey native said. "It's almost standard as opposed to what's in New Jersey. You could have an army uniform on and they'd never know the difference. But here, it means something more to the people. It means that it was worth what I did."

Moller is president of the Lancaster Vietnam Veterans of America Chapter 1045 and served in Vietnam from 1965 to 1968. He was one of about 20 Vietnam veterans who attended a ceremony Saturday at the Fairfield County Fairgrounds in which the local Daughters of the American Revolution chapter dedicated a bench to them at the main grandstand. The ceremony was part of the fairgrounds holiday celebration following the city's annual Fourth of July parade.

Veteran Don West was in Vietnam from 1966 to 1969 and said he also appreciates it when people thank him for serving.

"It's hard to put into words," he said. "Think of a giant warm-fuzzy. That's just about it. It's a welcome home we didn't get."

Like Moller, West said he doesn't get tired of people thanking him.

"War is a fact of life throughout the world," he said. "We answered the call, and we'll do her again."

West said the Fourth of July is a time to let everyone know that freedom is something to fight for.

"It was just our turn," he said. "America without freedom is not America anymore."

West said the bench that DAR dedicated is a good way to recognize the veterans' service.

"It's nice to be remembered," he said.

Ada Gutridge is a regent for the local Elizabeth Sherman Reese Chapter of DAR. Like West, she said the bench is a way to honor the men and women who served in Vietnam but did not get a welcome when they returned home. Gutridge said the federal government wants to do things to honor them because of that in the coming years.

"We are a part of that commemoration to honor the Vietnam veterans," she said. "So each year in the next few years, we want to try to do something a little special for them. So we came up with the idea of the bench with a plaque on it."

Gutridge said the dedication ceremony was emotional for her because her brother was a Vietnam veteran who was buried just a few days ago at Arlington National Cemetery.

"It's all I could to keep from crying," she said. "It's very special to me."


Twitter: @JeffDBarron