Foundation awards funds to opera house restoration

Staff reports

BALTIMORE – Peoples Bancorp Foundation, a nonprofit corporation formed to make donations in Peoples Bank market areas, recently awarded $2,500 to the Baltimore Downtown Restoration Committee toward restoring the Victoria Opera House in Baltimore.

The donation will complete the electrical installation process. With the installation of electricity, the opera house will be able to host limited engagements of performances and informational sessions.

The restoration committee is a volunteer 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization committed to preserving, restoring, and revitalizing the downtown area of Baltimore.

The opera house is in the heart of the east side of the village's downtown historic district, situated at the corner of Ohio 256 and 158. Once complete, the opera house will be capable of accommodating 300 to 350 visitors in the main chamber and balcony. The stage will be set to host live productions. In addition, a third-floor ballroom and banquet space will facilitate meetings and gatherings for up to 250 people.